Dholavira Civilisation
Project Time Span
2 week
Project Deliverables
User flow , user experience design, interactive flow
Project Overview
The G20 summit in 2023, hosted at SPPU, Pune in India from June 17th to 22nd, presented a project highlighting the historical significance of the ancient Indian civilization of Dholavira city. By utilizing virtual reality technology, individuals had the opportunity to immerse themselves in the advanced ancient civilization of Dholavira, both in its past glory and present state.
01. My Role
This project afforded me the opportunity to assume the only role of a UX/UI designer. I carefully crafted an optimized user flow, taking into consideration a broad spectrum of age groups. Additionally, I created low-fidelity wireframes and subsequently transformed them into high-fidelity designs using the Figma tool. Finally, I collaborated with the developers by meticulously reviewing each screen throughout the development phase to ensure the precise realization of the intended outcome.
02. Required Deliverables
- A comprehensive and optimized user flow design catering to diverse age groups.
- Required High-fidelity designs created from low-fidelity wireframes using the Figma tool, ready to be handed over to the developers for implementation.
03. User research
In my quest to create an immersive virtual reality (VR) experience for exploring the ancient Dholavira civilization, I embarked on an extensive user research journey. My primary goal was to ensure that the UX design catered to users of all age groups. To begin with, I googled interviews and focus groups with individuals from various age brackets, ranging from young children to elderly adults. Through these interactions, I discovered that younger users were more drawn to interactive elements and gamified features, while older users expressed a desire for a more informative and educational experience. This valuable insight formed the foundation for our UX design approach.
04. Defined Challenges
As I embarked on the development journey for the AR application showcasing Lord Vishnu’s avatars, I anticipated a few challenges that lay ahead.
User Comfort
Virtual reality experiences can sometimes lead to discomfort or motion sickness, especially for individuals who are not accustomed to VR technology. Designing the UX in a way that minimizes discomfort and maximizes user comfort, especially for older users who may have certain sensitivities, will be crucial.
Content Selection and Representation
Choosing which aspects of Dholavira’s civilization to showcase in the VR experience and how to represent them accurately and engagingly can be a complex task. Balancing historical accuracy with user engagement and understanding may require thorough research, collaboration with experts, and iterative design processes.
User Training and Support
Introducing users of all age groups to virtual reality technology and providing them with the necessary guidance and support to navigate and interact within the VR experience might pose a challenge. Clear instructions, intuitive controls, and on-screen prompts or tutorials will be essential to ensure users feel comfortable and confident while exploring the virtual city.
User Engagement and Retention
Designing the UX in a way that keeps users engaged throughout their virtual journey and encourages them to revisit the experience can be a challenge. Incorporating interactive elements, storytelling techniques, and personalized features that cater to different age groups’ interests and motivations will be crucial for maintaining user engagement and fostering a sense of curiosity and exploration.
05. User flow
- Throughout the user flow journey, my main focus was on developing an efficient design flow for the VR application, with a specific emphasis on accommodating the usage of young children.
- With the intention of meeting their requirements, I meticulously crafted the user flow to minimize the number of necessary steps for accessing the city. This approach aimed to provide a smooth and captivating experience, enabling young users to effortlessly explore and engage with the VR content.
06. Wireframes for user flow
- I envisioned designing an intuitive master menu that caters to users of all ages, including young children and the elderly, ensuring ease of use for everyone.
- To enhance its creativity, I considered using a navigational map as the menu, adding a gamified element that simplifies comprehension.
- The visual representation of Dholavira city will dynamically shift between the present and the past, adapting to the current state of the city. For instance, if a user is exploring the present period of the city, they will find an option in the master menu to switch to the past view mode.
- This approach facilitates user understanding and enables seamless transitions between different time periods using the same menu.
- In conclusion, the authorities were highly impressed with the concept of designing a creative and user-friendly master menu for the Dholavira city virtual reality experience. The idea of using a navigational map as the menu, along with the seamless transition between present and past views, received positive feedback. As a result, the development process was initiated, and the implementation of the project was successfully carried out.
- The collaborative efforts between the team and the authorities ensured that the UX design for Dholavira city using virtual reality met the desired objectives and delighted users of all age groups.
07. conclusion
In the midst of the magnificent G20 event, my team and I eagerly embraced our roles as project volunteers, witnessing the participants’ faces light up with joy and amazement. Our project successfully portrayed the essence of Dholavira city, authentically capturing its spirit and offering interactive features such as a map. Through this endeavor, we fostered a profound comprehension and admiration for Indian mythology. As the project reached its completion, it left an indelible impression, captivating users and leaving them with a remarkable and unforgettable encounter with the ancient civilization.